Asking for money is a humbling experience. As someone who used to pride myself on "having it all together," the simple act of opening my hands and allowing others to give to me has been difficult. I downright almost refused to do it for my first trip in 2009 and have been more open to it since then. For my trip in January 2011, I was fully funded by the generous support of friends, family, and Midtowners.
This summer, I'm going back to Ukraine for two weeks. I am returning to the same camp with the same group of teenagers I've visited my last three trips. This year, I am co-leading the trip along with Russell Anderson. So once again, I ask humbly for support. I am resting in the fact that the Lord will provide what I need for this trip. As scary as that is, I want to believe it.
I will be honest, I had a bad feeling as I was putting support letters together this year. I wasn't happy with my letter. I was unsure. As I addressed envelopes, I had the sinking feeling that when these letters were pulled from people's mailboxes, the thought, "THIS AGAIN??" would arise. Thankfully, friends have encouraged and reminded me that they do care about the work going on in Ukraine. That they do appreciate hearing my story. I am just unsure about fundraising this time around and I'm not sure why.
So, please pray about donating towards my trip. I am thankful for each and every supporter I've had in the past and cannot imagine not being able to see these kids. And my supporters are what makes that possible. I truly appreciate it. You can do so by clicking on the "Donate" button or by mailing a check made out to "Missions Development International" and sending to me at: 5101 Regent Drive Nashville, TN 37220
Trying to rest in this tonight...
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." - 2 Tim. 1:7