Friday, December 30, 2011

Another trip to Ukraine

I leave this afternoon for my 5th trip to Ukraine. This time around, I'm going by myself. No team, no program. Just a visit to some dear friends. I'll be there for around 10 days, only 2 of which I will spend in Kharkov with the kids from camp. Although I was initially really disappointed to only have 2 days with them, I'm thankful for the opportunities to meet with some great people in Kiev about future plans there. I hope to gain clarity and further direction on whether I am indeed supposed to move there at some point or what job/ministry I could be involved in as well.

I am excited to have the chance to spend time with and be hosted by several different friends. I'll be spending New Years with Lesya and Josh, then going to Kharkov for two days. Coming back to Kiev and then going to spend Orthodox Christmas with Julia S. and her family...and then finishing up my last couple days in Kiev at Andrey, Alla, and Josh's place before coming home. It is a very full week and I'm excited to experience it.

My prayer is all about expectations. This trip didn't turn out to be what I initially thought it would when I first made plans to come. I'm sad that no more American friends were able to make it this time and that we're not spending the whole week in Kharkov with the kids. But as the Lord really showed me last winter on a lonely overnight train, He's taking care of me in ways I could never predict and often don't understand. So please pray that I would actively lay down my expectations about how things "should" go and live in a spirit of thanks while I'm there. Thankful for each moment the Lord gives me with the kids and with friends.

Also, please pray for safe travels. I'll be flying ATL-Paris on the way there and JFK-Paris coming back. So I'm hoping for no snow storms! We'll also be taking an overnight train from Kiev to Kharkov and then back again so prayer for safety and sleep during that time will be great.

I will have access to e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter while I'm there which is different than my usual cut-off-from-civilization time at camp in Ukraine. So feel free to keep in touch! I hope to post pictures and updates throughout the trip.
Twitter: @hhthewhiz

Thank you for all the prayers and support!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Update on HH

We've been home about 10 weeks now. The entire trip this year was such a different experience. The months leading up to the trip through the transition period at home were filled with unexpected challenges that made my experience more challenging than any previous year. I've spent many hours in the past 10 weeks thinking and reflecting on our time in Ukraine and what my future there will look like. A lot about the trip held a sense of finality for me. So many of the kids I'm close to have graduated and moved on to adult life so camp will be very different in the future.

So what's next? Over the past two years, my life has changed dramatically because of my experiences in Ukraine. I keep going back, and the ache to stay for a longer period of time just gets stronger and stronger. I've entertained the crazy idea of moving to Ukraine in the past but have never seriously looked at my options. For whatever reason, this time is different. I have decided to begin exploring what it would take to move to Ukraine after I finish Grad school. There have been many conversations surrounding this topic, whether between me and my closest friends or me and God. And at this moment, I think I will move there. The next year I hope will be a time for truth to be revealed to me through solitude and silence...two things I'm praying for more of in the coming year.

I am thankful for all my friends, family, and supporters who have given me the opportunity to visit Ukraine four times. I am so grateful to have gotten to be a part of the amazing things I've been able to witness and experience. I look forward to seeing where my story heads after graduation, whether in Nashville or in Ukraine. Please keep me in your prayers that God would give me wisdom in decision making and eyes to see His desires for my life wherever that may take me.

Monday, June 27, 2011

We leave today!!

I will be brief...there's a lot going on in my head now. We leave today for our trip to Kharkov. It is simply amazing that God has blessed us with the opportunity to go back again and again. I'm so thankful that in a few days we will have made our way around the world to a camp in the middle of nowhere and will have the opportunity to be washed in God's Love for us through these kids. I am grateful for that.

Thank you for the support. The prayers. The money. I cannot do this on my own. I'm thankful that God has surrounded me with people that support and love me in going on these trips. I am grateful for that.

I love you all. You can keep up with the team several ways. We'll be updating when we can get internet access:

Midtown blog:
Radooga blog:
Twitter: @midtownukraine

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Raising Funds...

This is a link to our team's March Madness fundraiser:
Password: radooga

Fill out a bracket and make a $10 us get back to the kiddos in Ukraine! :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

You're Beautiful

A God that is chasing after me is chasing after you and after the kids in Ukraine. He Loves us Extravagantly.

I see Your face in every sunrise
The colors of the morning are inside Your eyes
The world awakens in the light of the day
I look up to the sky and say
You're beautiful

I see Your power in the moonlit night
Where planets are in motion and galaxies are bright
We are amazed in the light of the stars
It's all proclaiming who You are
You're beautiful, You're beautiful

I see you there hanging on a tree
You bled and then you died and then you rose again for me
Now you are sitting on Your heavenly throne
Soon we will be coming home
You're beautiful, you're beautiful

When we arrive at eternity's shore
Where death is just a memory and tears are no more
We'll enter in as the wedding bells ring
Your bride will come together and we'll sing
You're beautiful, You're beautiful, You're beautiful

I see Your face, You're beautiful, You're beautiful, You're beautiful
I see Your face, You're beautiful, You're beautiful, You're beautiful
I see Your face, I see Your face
I see Your face, You're beautiful, You're beautiful, You're beautiful

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Asking for money is a humbling experience. As someone who used to pride myself on "having it all together," the simple act of opening my hands and allowing others to give to me has been difficult. I downright almost refused to do it for my first trip in 2009 and have been more open to it since then. For my trip in January 2011, I was fully funded by the generous support of friends, family, and Midtowners.

This summer, I'm going back to Ukraine for two weeks. I am returning to the same camp with the same group of teenagers I've visited my last three trips. This year, I am co-leading the trip along with Russell Anderson. So once again, I ask humbly for support. I am resting in the fact that the Lord will provide what I need for this trip. As scary as that is, I want to believe it.

I will be honest, I had a bad feeling as I was putting support letters together this year. I wasn't happy with my letter. I was unsure. As I addressed envelopes, I had the sinking feeling that when these letters were pulled from people's mailboxes, the thought, "THIS AGAIN??" would arise. Thankfully, friends have encouraged and reminded me that they do care about the work going on in Ukraine. That they do appreciate hearing my story. I am just unsure about fundraising this time around and I'm not sure why.

So, please pray about donating towards my trip. I am thankful for each and every supporter I've had in the past and cannot imagine not being able to see these kids. And my supporters are what makes that possible. I truly appreciate it. You can do so by clicking on the "Donate" button or by mailing a check made out to "Missions Development International" and sending to me at: 5101 Regent Drive Nashville, TN 37220

Trying to rest in this tonight...
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." - 2 Tim. 1:7

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's days like today that life just floats by. I'm currently in the process of enjoying a Saturday with *nothing* to do. Catching up on life and just enjoying moments of rest without rush.

The extra bonus of today has been all the Ukrainian interaction... :)
Message from Slavik this morning...(1st since September)
Skyping with Lesya followed by Skyping with Yulia and Sasha(!!!!)
and now I'm writing back and forth with Artur about movie preferences (he says: "I noticed that the majority of American movies stupid"...I'm trying to prove him wrong)

It is these days that they seem so close. So reachable...the picture above is when Yulia and Sasha were eating chips and Yulia asked, "do you want one?" It almost seems as if I could reach through the Skype portal and enjoy one...
I'm so thankful for these interactions. So thankful to be someone in their life. Even if I have no idea what I'm doing... ministry to teenagers. Who knew? I am simply blessed by these friends of mine in Ukraine. It's beautiful.

I sent out a wave of support letters this week. Prayer for support raising is *always* appreciated. I'm excited to what God has for me regarding fundraising and how He will bring it together. =)

Hope all reading are having a simply amazing weekend!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where do I begin...

So sorry it's been so long. I simply can't believe tomorrow will be a month since I left for Ukraine. So crazy.

The trip was amazing. Incredible. Painful. Hopeful. Crazy events I was astounded by and a Peace that surpassed any of my understanding. I could never put into words how much this trip meant to me, and as I mentioned in my last post, I often feel like I use too many words, so I will attempt to practice brevity....

- First of all, I lost my passport. A very foolish move on my part, but I have wondered now if maybe God picked it up and threw it out of my bag Himself. The events that followed the discovery of the lost passport included an overnight train ride complete with a new friend, (a Nigerian Christian), an insane two hours with Oleg Vasilevsky fighting with his iPad to print my flight itinerary (we lost), a surprising moment at the Embassy when the man behind the counter asked, "Is your name Heather Harris?", a rendezvous with yet another new friend (Viktor), and a journey to Viktor's apartment so he could return this US passport he found in the snow while walking down the street. I was back on a train to Kharkov in 4 hours and safely returned to the beautiful village that my kids call home. The overwhelming peace the Lord covered me with was an amazing picture of His Love for me. His gentle reminder that everything would be just fine and that even though I was alone on that journey, He would protect me and go out of His way to put people in my path as a reminder.

- Second of all, I missed our flight home. When Russell gave me a Ukrainian cell phone, said, "I have to go", and took off running towards customs, I only experienced a split-second of panic. Again, all alone in a foreign country the Lord washed me with His peace. A dying cell phone stayed live just long enough for crazy taxi driver Maxim to round the corner. A hot lunch and open arms at the Vasilevsky's was the community I needed. An afternoon and evening of sushi and Johnny Depp in Ukrainian with the Afonins was a perfect end to my trip. Drifting to sleep that night, I forgot I wasn't home.

- Now about those kids..........
Tears fill my eyes as I allow memories to flood into my mind. There would be no way to describe the joy in their eyes. The!many!laughs! The extreme pain always present.
We spent two days at Nova Vodolaga orphanage and spent that time playing games, decorating cookies, singing songs, doing skits, and having serious discussion. There are so many specific stories tied to all these things that I would love to share, but really can't put into words. So let's have coffee sometime. Seriously.

Instead here, I want to share something that's been rolling around in my head and was reminded of this morning at Midtown. I am beginning to realize I have a very small idea of how God works. His work is so much larger than I could ever imagine and I so often shrink that. I have ideas of why we're working with these orphans. I have expectations of the things that should happen during these trips. But what if I really have no clue as to what's really going on? What if there is such a larger, grander, greater story being told that is so much bigger than me, bigger than Ukraine, bigger than these kids? When telling my passport story, I've been reminded that maybe that whole crazy adventure wasn't for me at all. What if I was just being used? What if the train ride wasn't about me being comforted by having a fellow Christian in the train car but instead that the train ride was about the large Ukrainian man in the car with us hearing that Christian's prayers and praise? What if my passport falling out of my bag into the snow wasn't a random act, but instead an opportunity for Viktor (a man divorced, down on his luck, missing his child), to do the right thing and feel good about himself? And oh boy, how about we apply this to the kids? What if....all sorts of things!

After the summer trip, I reminded myself of the following statement over and over again: If all of this...all the trips, all the fundraising, all the time off, all the travel, all the everything is just so one kid changes a tiny bit, it's worth it. It has to be. I realized I can't change the world. I can't convert 300 orphans in 1 year. God can. I can't. So I have to stop making plans, stop writing stories, stop predicting my own future and just let Him do it. His adventure for me is so much more exciting than I could make it. I never would have thought to ask the Lord two years ago to let me sightsee with Igor and Sasha, to visit their orphanage, to let me ride a train in Ukraine by myself, to lose my passport, to celebrate Slavik's birthday with him, to even go to Ukraine in JANUARY. The Lord has blessed me beyond anything I ever could have expected. I am excited and hopeful to see how the next chapter unfolds.

Monday, January 3, 2011


I sometimes use too many words. Too many words to talk about something or sometime. So all I will say about yesterday is that it was amazing.

I spent time in Kiev with friends. Two of which were kids from camp. Kids I love. It was a dream come true. One of the most special days of my life. I cannot believe the blessings the Lord has poured out on me. The special moments he gives me with these kids. I think about meeting these kids the first day of camp in 2009. And now sitting across from them at McDonald's laughing and taking pictures. I am astounded by His Faithfulness and Love for me. I am extravagantly loved by the Creator.

The only thing that could possibly make yesterday even better: There's more to come...

Love you all. Forever grateful for the prayers and support. The Lord is moving here. In big ways.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Travel and New Years in Kiev

I'm in Kiev! Currently staying with my good friend Lesya in her awesome apartment.

My travel was absolutely phenomenal. The best trip I've taken to Kiev by far. :) No layovers, no delays, smooth flights. Nearly empty flights with lots of empty was a great travel day.

I've spent the day with Lesya and her mom. We ate a delicious traditional New Years dinner (nothing like camp food guys...) :) and then just hung out here for awhile. We then took a stroll around the neighborhood in the snow and went by the grocery store. Such a peaceful, serene night with the occasional fireworks going off. It's such a quiet neighborhood and a stark contrast to the craziness of Kiev's city center that we've been in the past two summers.

Early bedtime tonight and then I get to attend New Life Church in the morning. Definitely excited for this and REALLY excited to see all my Radooga friends...(including the Vasilevsky's and their *special guests*).

Only 3 days until we head to Kharkiv to visit our kids!!

Thank you for the continued support through prayer. I love you all!